Pillars of our academic success are our commitment to “ACT”


A- Academic Excellence

To ensure the success of all of our students, we have devised a clear plan of action. Look no farther than KPVA if you’re seeking a private school with small classes, a safe learning environment, and a better educational experience. Our goal at KPVA is to prepare students for lifelong success by developing the complete child through academic achievement, values-based character education, and community service learning. Our academic brilliance is inclusive and adaptive to Kenya’s new Competency-Based Curriculum school system (CBC). The CBC model strengthens interactions and roles between teachers and parents, ensuring that the learner is modeled both in and out of school.

C - Character Development

Our philosophy of value-based character development education promotes the achievement of all of our students. Education is valuable and life skills development is vital and central at KPVA. We are devoted to educating our children in ways that will help them grow as moral, civic, good, polite, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, obedient, or socially acceptable individuals. We have created monthly programs devoted to the establishment and development of value-based character traits. Our program is well-known among the various grade levels. teachers will designate students in the class who have outperformed expectations for the monthly character emphasis based on the attribute of the month.

We teach and advise our students with the goal of instilling values:

  • Respect - be courteous, handle disputes calmly, and treat people as you would like to be treated.

  • Responsibility - make wise decisions, do the right thing, and accept responsibility for your actions.

  • Honesty - speak the truth, follow your commitments, and do what is right.

  • Caring - be kind, sympathetic, helpful, forgiving, and considerate of others’ feelings.

  • Fairness - follow the rules, be open-minded, and treat people with respect.

  • Humility - be humble, patient, confident, bold, and optimistic.

  • Citizenship - is being a good friend and working to make your home, school, and community a better place to live.

  • Thankfulness - have a demonstrate a sincere attitude of gratitude for any reward you get.

T - Talent Identification and Development in Education (TIDE)

In addition to general aptitude, we acknowledge talents that arise as a result of a convergence of genetic inclinations, home, and school experiences, as well as individuals’ distinctive interests and learning methods. We at KPVA are devoted to fostering and cultivating shown skills and giftedness, whether in academics or in athletics, or in performing arts (such as music, dance, or theater).