Tuition Fees

Junior Secondary Boarding Fees Per Term - 2025


Day scholars Junior Secondary Fees Per Term - 2025

Payment Terms and Conditions

1. School fees are payable in full on or before opening day. 

2. School fees are payable to the school account:

  • Kenya Commercial Bank, Kitengela Branch,
    Account Number 1155267664 or

  • M-pesa payment (Lipa Karo) Pay Bill No. 522123,
    Account Number 10073Kadmission number. (For Primary)

  • For Junior Secondary Pay Bill No 522123, A/C No 10073KJSSadmission number.

3. School fees must be deposited directly into the school’s account. No cash and No personal cheque will be accepted at the school. 

4. A discount of 10% is given to any parent who pays their annual school fees in full at the beginning of the year and a discount of 5% will be given to those who pay termly fees in full by the 15th of every holiday month. 

5. Fees once paid are non- refundable.